Build weekend rope W.11

It’s time for the second building weekend of the spring and new routes are to be put up on the rope walls.

The weekend will end with a competition in the club championship. Top-rope climbing is the focus and everyone is warmly welcome to participate. (Membership is required for results in the overall standings)

The schedule for the weekend is:

  • Thursday 13th: Route removal at 17:00.
  • Friday 14th: Washing of holds, gathering at 17:00 at the hangar or 17:30 at OKQ8 Skäggetorp.
  • Saturday 15th: Building from 10:00 to 18:00. Training for new builders (required to build, starts at 10:00).
  • Sunday 16th: Competition, top-rope climbing at 14:00.

The club will provide coffee and food during route removal, washing, and building.

Questions can be directed to Gabriel Carlfjord or emailed to

You can register for route removal or washing via the following link:

Warm welcome

Please note: The rope walls will be closed for climbing from Thursday at 17:00 until the competition is finished. The bouldering area will be open as usual, but with a risk of higher noise levels in the hall.