Build weekend Rope W.37

Hello everyone!
In week 37 it is time for the first build weekend after the summer and its time to build new
routes on the rope walls. To make this weekend a success we need help and specially
on the teardown and Washing. Please sign up if you got some hours free to help us
make room for loads of fresh Routes on the walls. Without members showing up
we wont be able to rebuild as much as we want.

Signup only required for teardown and washing to make the planning go smoother.
For routesetting no signup will be needed.

If you haven’t done the setting course please join in to get the proper education

Schedule for the weekend:

Thursday 12th, 17.00: Routes tear down.
Friday 13th: 17.00 from Hangaren or 17.30 at OKQ8 Skäggetorp holds washing.
Saturday 14th: 10.00 routesetting (Setting education available)
Sunday 15th: from 9.00 -16.00 routesetting

Fika, lunch and dinner will be offered by the club!

Signup here:

Any questions , Ask Allegra or send an email to