The following rules apply when climbing at Hangaren indoor wall:
- Top-rope belaying requires a Green Card, which must be worn visibly. Belayer must be at least 13 years old
- For lead climbing and belaying a Red Card is required, which must be worn visibly. Both belayer and the climber must be at least 13 years old
- Tying in shall be done with a rewoven figure-eight knot
- Belay backups (when a person holds the rope to backup a beginner belayer) is only allowed for instructors and junior coaches. This applies regardless of whether no one, one, or both climbers have Green or Red Cards
- Belaying with a figure-eight device or Italian hitch is forbidden
- To arrange a course in belaying techniques you must be a climbing instructor certified by the Swedish Climbing Federation
- Bouldering above 6 meters of height (free solo) is forbidden
- After climbing an overhanging route at least one intermediate point of protection (quickdraw) must be clipped in
- Everyone is required to wear shoes (climbing or indoor shoes) when climbing
- Drytooling is not allowed
- Groups of climbers related to either drop-in activities or Junior training activities have prioritized access to the climbing wall
- For climbing in Hangaren payment of an admission fee or wall card is required
- In the case of activities that contribute to the club (such as building weekends), the person in charge may let in participating members without a paid fee or wall card. For all the other climbers paragraph 12 applies
- Children up to 8 years accompanied by adult don’t need to pay an admission fee or have a wall card
LKK members are insured by an insurance policy with the Swedish Climbing Federation. Participants in LKK arranged drop-in activities are also covered by the insurance policy with the Swedish Climbing Federation. For full information about the insurance policy please visit the Swedish Climbing Federation’s web page