Build weekend rope W36

The first build weekend for the rope walls has been moved to week 36 ( one week erlier than planned) The schedule for the weekend:

Thursday 7th:  17.00 Demolition of routes begins.
Friday 8th: Washing of holds. 17.00 Gather at Hangaren or 17.30 at OKQ8 skäggetorp (cars are appriciated)
Saturday 9th: 10.00 Routesetting starts (Education available for new builders)
Sunday 10th:  09.00-16.00 Routesetting 

Fika, lunch and dinner will be offered by the club!
No experience is needed. We are in great need of help.
Please contact Allegra Maguire  or email for questions of if you want to help out with more during the weekend ( ie not only building) 

Please fill in the doodle for washing! This way we will know if we have enough people and to make sure we don’t have too many!